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Stadt Greifswald im Lkr. Vorpommern-Greifswald




Rubenow Monument

Wilhelm Stürmer

Greifswald /  Rubenow-Denkmal   Greifswald /  Rubenow-Denkmal


Gothic turret of 12.1 m high, pewter cast, dedicated in 1856 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the University, now named Ernst Moritz Arndt University.
On the front is a medaillon with a portrait of the founder of the university:
Heinrich Rubenow (c. 1400 - Greifswald 1462), Mayor of Greifswald and instrumental in the founding of the university (Wikipedia).

In niches stand the sovereigns who played a role in the history of the university, under each sovereign is the appropriate coat of arms:

Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal

  1. Herzog Wartislaw IX. von Pommern / Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pomerania (ca. 1400 - Wolgast 1457), Duke of Pommerania, 1417-1457, founder of the University of Greifswald in 1456 (Wikipedia).
  2. Herzog Bogislaw XIV. von Pommern (Barth 1580 - Stettin 1637), last Duke of Pomerania (Wikipedia).
  3. König Friedrich I. von Schweden / Frederick I of Sweden (Kassel 1676 - Stockholm 1751), King of Sweden, 1730-1751 (Wikipedia).
  4. König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen / Frederick William III of Prussia (Potsdam 1770 - Berlin 1840), king of Prussia, 1797-1840 (Wikipedia).
On the corners sit four scholars as representatives of their faculty:

Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal
Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal

  1. Theology: Johannes Bugenhagen (Wollin 1485 - Wittenberg 1558), also called Doctor Pomeranus by Martin Luther, introduced the Protestant Reformation in the Duchy of Pomerania and Denmark in the 16th century (Wikipedia).
  2. Law: David Mevius (Greifswald 1609 - Greifswald 1670), Legal practitioner and one of the greatest jurists of usus modernus (Wikipedia).
  3. Medicine: Friedrich August Gottlob Berndt (Nantikow, Kreis Arnswalde, 1793 - Greifswald 1854), German physician and professor in Greifswald (Wikipedia).
  4. Philosophy: Ernst Moritz Arndt (Groß Schoritz auf Rügen 1769 - Bonn 1860), German nationalist author and poet (Wikipedia).


auspiciis regis augustissimi
friderici guilielmi iv
universitat litteraria
saecularia quarta celebratis
piae memoriae
principum ac regium
quorum consilio munificentia
sapientique regimine fundata
conservata amplificata
virorumque excellentium
quorum doctrina industria
et in rem litterariam meritis
ornata et illustrata est
hoc monumentum consecravit
a.d. xvii octobr. mdccclvi.

Greifswald - Rubenow-Denkmal


Sources & Information


  • Berndt, Friedrich August Gottlob
  • Bogislaw XIV. (Herzog von Pommern)
  • Bugenhagen, Johannes
  • Frederick I (King of Sweden)
  • Frederick William III (King of Prussia)
  • Jurist
  • Mayor
  • Mevius, David
  • Monarch
  • Physician
  • Reformer
  • Rubenow, Heinrich
  • Stürmer, Wilhelm
  • Wartislaw IX (Duke of Pomerania)
  • Writer / poet
  • Locatie (N 54°5'43" - E 13°22'28") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: demv024; Photograph: 2 August 2016
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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