
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Bad Arolsen
Lkr. Waldeck-Frankenberg


Große Allee 29 and other places
(Pfarrkirche St. Johannes Baptist)

Engel am Weg

Angel on the Road

Father Abraham Fischer

Bad Arolsen /  Engel am Weg   Bad Arolsen /  Engel am Weg


Corten steel steles with a cut out figure of an angel, a specific word and the text 'Engel am Weg' (Angel on the Road). Ten of these angels are scattered around Bad Arolsen, each has a specific word to think about while walking the route.

Bad Arolsen - Engel am Weg
Bad Arolsen - Engel am Weg
Bad Arolsen - Engel am Weg
Bad Arolsen - Engel am Weg
Bad Arolsen - Engel am Weg

  1. Engel der Liebe / Angel of Love
  2. Engel der Barmherzigkeit / Angel of Mercy
  3. Engel der Freude / Angel of Joy
  4. Engel der Freiheit / Angel of Freedom
  5. Engel der Freundschaft / Angel of Friendship
  6. Engel des Friedens / Angel of Peace
  7. Engel der Achtsamkeit / Angel of Mindfulness
  8. Engel der Zuversicht / Angel of Confidence
  9. Engel des Vertrauens / Angel of Trust
  10. Engel der Hoffnung / Angel of Hope
In italics are not photographed by us.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°22'42" - E 9°0'54") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: dehs331; Photograph: 14 October 2018
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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