
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lkr. Marburg-Biedenkopf


Alter Botanischer Garten

Der Fisch aus "Von dem Fischer und seine Frau"

The Fish from "The Fisherman and His Wife"

German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm in Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Sergej Fuchs

Marburg /  Der Fisch aus "Von dem Fischer und seine Frau"   Marburg /  Der Fisch aus "Von dem Fischer und seine Frau"


Sculpture of a large fish, floating in the pond in the park.

Synopsis (based on Wikipedia):

There is a poor fisherman who lives with his wife in a hovel by the sea. One day the fisherman catches a fish, which claims to be an enchanted prince, and begs to be set free. The fisherman kindly releases it. When his wife hears the story, she says he ought to have had the fish grant him a wish, and insists that he go back and ask the flounder to grant her wish for a nice house. She wants more and more, and finally wishes to be equal to God.

See also the photo at the Boy with Fish.


The 'Grimm-Dich-Pfad', fairy tale path, is a trail along sculptures relating to Grimm's fairy tales and other places related to the Grimm brothers. Most of the sculpures were made by Pasquale Ippolito, the later ones (after 2013) by Sergej Fuchs.

The trail has 16 stops, not all are represented on this web site. All stops are listed below:

Marburg - Grimm-Dich-Pfad
  1. Von dem Fischer und seine Frau / The Fisherman and His Wife.
  2. Der Wolf und die 7 jungen Geißlein / The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats.
  3. Froschkönig / The Frog Prince.
  4. Krieger'sche Leihbibliothek / Krieger Library.
  5. Sterntaler / The Star Money (made by Doris and Florian Conrads).
  6. Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot / Snow-White and Rose-Red.
  7. Das tapfere Schneiderlein / The Brave Little Tailor.
  8. Haus der Romantik / House of Romanticism.
  9. Rotkäppchen und der Wolf / Little Red Riding Hood.
  10. Schneewittchen / Snow-White.
  11. Aschenputtel / Cinderella.
  12. Zitat von Jakob Grimm / Quote of Jakob Grimm (see photo at no. 11).
  13. Wohnhaus Prof. Savigny / House of Prof. Savigny.
  14. Hänsel und Gretel / Hansel and Gretel.
  15. Historisches Stadtplan / Historical townplan.
  16. Wohnhaus von Jakob Grimm / House of Jakob Grimm.

For a map with the fairy tales figures of the Grimm-Dich-Pfad in Marburg, click here.

See: Marburg-Tourismus, Grimm-Dich-Pfad.
Express Online, 5 March 2009, Märchenhafte Monumente.



Locatie (N 50°48'44" - E 8°46'19") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: dehs285; Photograph: 8 October 2018
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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