
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lkr. Marburg-Biedenkopf



Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71

War Memorial 1866 and 1870-71

Theodor Josef Paffrath
Paul Stotz (Stuttgart)

Biedenkopf /  Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71   Biedenkopf /  Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71


Bronze statue of two soldiers, one standing and one lying, in a pedestal made of rough stone blocks. On the sides of the pedestal are text tablets and two portrait medaillons.

Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71
Kaiser Wilhelm I
(Berlin 1797 - Berlin 1888), King of Prussia, 1861 - 1888, and the first German Emperor, 1871 - 1888 (Wikipedia)
Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71
Kaiser Friedrich III
(Potsdam 1831-Potsdam 1888), King of Prussia and German Emperor from 9 March to 15 June 1888 (Wikipedia).

These portrait are not by Paffrath.

At the foot of the pedestal two dolphins and two seals spout water in a circular fountain basin.

Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71 Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71
Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71 Biedenkopf - Kriegerdenkmal 1866 und 1870-71


(portrait Friedrich III:) fremd??
Guss P. STOTZ Stuttgart 1904


Sources & Information


  • Dolphin
  • Fountain
  • Frederick III (emperor)
  • Monarch
  • Paffrath, Theodor Josef
  • Seal
  • Soldier
  • Stotz (Stuttgart), Paul
  • War Memorial (Germany - Franco-Prussian War)
  • Wilhelm I (emperor)
  • Locatie (N 50°54'41" - E 8°31'50") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: dehs247; Photograph: 7 October 2018
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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