
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Rotenburg an der Fulda
Lkr. Hersfeld-Rotenburg



Hütejunge mit Ziege

Shepherd Boy with Goat

On the sculptor's website named "Knabe mit Ziege" (Boy with Goat)
Ewald Rumpf

Rotenburg an der Fulda /  Hütejunge mit Ziege   Rotenburg an der Fulda /  Hütejunge mit Ziege


Sculpture group of a boy holding a goat eating some scrubs from a wall.

Rotenburg an der Fulda - Hütejunge mit Ziege Rotenburg an der Fulda - Hütejunge mit Ziege


„Hütejunge mit Ziegeʺ

Anno 2003

Finanziert durch Spenden!


On the lawn between the city wall and the Fulda, which in its original river bed flowed not far away, goats were herded until after the last world war. On the way to the pasture this boy has to deal with his stubborn goat that has been discovered a bunch of grown grass in the ancient city wall.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 50°59'40" - E 9°43'30") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: dehs130; Photograph: 7 August 2013
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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