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Stadt Darmstadt




Goethe Memorial

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(Frankfurt am Main 1749-Weimar 1832)
German writer and polymath; considered by many to be the most important writer in the German language and one of the most important thinkers in Western culture
Ludwig Habich & Adolf Zeller
A. Brandstetter (München)

Darmstadt /  Goethe-Denkmal   Darmstadt /  Goethe-Denkmal


Bronze sculpture of a naked young man - inspired by the antique genius of the poet as embodying the spirit of the young Goethe. Above him a quote from Goethe's Faust. On the pedestal are three portrait reliefs:
  1. J.W. v. Goethe - Johann Wolfgang [since 1782: von] Goethe (Frankfurt am Main 1749-Weimar 1832), German writer and polymath; considered by many to be the most important writer in the German language and one of the most important thinkers in Western culture (Wikipedia)

    Goethe is flanked by two friends from Darmstadt:

  2. J.H. Merck - Johann Heinrich Merck (Darmstadt 1741 - Darmstadt 1791), Darmstadt publisher, editor and naturalist (Wikipedia).
  3. C. Flachsland - Maria Caroline Flachsland (Reichenweier/Elsaß / Riquewihr 1750 - Weimar 1809), the wife of Johann Gottfried Herder, published Herder's biography and edited his work (Wikipedia).

Darmstadt - Goethe-Denkmal
Darmstadt - Goethe-Denkmal
Darmstadt - Goethe-Denkmal


Verhülle mir das wogende Gedränge,
Das wider Willen uns zum Strudel zieht.
Nein, führe mich zur stillen Himmelsenge,
Wo nur dem Dichter reine Freude blüht;
Wo Lieb' und Freundschaft unsres Herzens Segen
Mit Götterhand erschaffen und erpflegen.

Signed: (genius) guss v. a. brandstetter muenchen


Unveiled on 30 June 1903 in the presence of the Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig, who made the corresponding site in Darmstadts oldest park, the Herrngarten, available. It was designed by architect Adolf Zeller, the sculptural work was undertaken by the Darmstadt artist Ludwig Habich.

Darmstadt - Goethe-Denkmal


Sources & Information


  • Brandstetter (München), A.
  • Flachsland, Karoline
  • Genius
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Habich, Ludwig
  • Man (nude)
  • Merck, Johann Heinrich
  • Publisher
  • Writer / poet
  • Zeller, Adolf
  • Locatie (N 49°52'37" - E 8°39'13") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: dehs119; Photograph: 30 September 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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