
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lkr. Eichstätt


Bahnhofplatz 1

Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche

Saint Statues at the Hospital Church

Christian Handschuher & Vitus Handschuher

Eichstätt /  Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche   Eichstätt /  Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche


Four statues at the baroque façade of the church, built 169-1701 by Jakob Engel:

Eichstätt - Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche
Eichstätt - Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche
Eichstätt - Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche
Eichstätt - Heiligenstatuen an der Spitalkirche

    Bottom, left to right:
  1. St. Willibald - Saint Willibald of Eichstätt (prob. Wessex c. 700 - Eichstätt 787 or 788), bishop of Eichstätt; brother of Saint Winibald and Saint Walburga, and through his mother related to Saint Boniface, who ordained him to the priesthood and episcopacy (Wikipedia).
  2. St. Walburga - Saint Walpurga (England c. 710- Heidenheim 779) English missionary to the Frankish Empire; abbess of the monastery in Heidenheim Germany; sister of Sts. Willibald and Winebald
    Top, left to right:
  3. St. Elisabeth - Saint Elizabeth of Thuringa (Bratislava 1207 - Marburg 1231), princess of the Kingdom of Hungary, Landgravine of Thuringia; built a hospital where she herself served the sick; symbol of Christian charity (Wikipedia).
  4. St. Martin (Savaria, Pannonia (now Szombathely, Hungary), 316 - Candes-Saint-Martin, Gaul 397), 3rd Bishop of Tours. Around his name much legendary material accrued and he has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints (Wikipedia).
Three statues are sculpted by Christian Handschuher, the fourth - St. Martin - by his son Vitus.


Sources & Information


  • Country: Germany
  • Elisabeth of Thuringia, St.
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • Handschuher, Christian
  • Handschuher, Vitus
  • Martin, St.
  • Walpurga, St.
  • Willibald of Eichstätt, St,
  • Locatie (N 48°53'32" - E 11°10'53") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: deby363; Photograph: 9 October 2014
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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