
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Stadt Nürnberg



Martin Behaim

Nürnberg 1459 - Lisboa 1507
German navigator and geographer to the King of Portugal
Johann Rößner
Kunstgießerei Lenz (Nürnberg)

Nürnberg /  Martin Behaim   Nürnberg /  Martin Behaim


Bronze statue of Behaim with sword and his terrestrial globe of 1492 ('Erdapfel'), on a richly decorated sandstone pedestal, with on the sides two bronze seated figures:
  1. Handel - Trade, with caduceus, cornucopia and anchor.
  2. Wissenschaft - Science, in her hand a drawing of a astrolabe and under the chair some books, on of which with the author's name Regiomon- / tanus.

Handel - Trade

Wissenschaft - Science


Behaim's coat of arms

Mart. Behaim
der Seefahrer

geboren um 1459
gestorben 1507

coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire
and the two coats of arms of the city
of Nürnberg, the great arms with the eagle
with a king's head and the small arms
with the eagle and red bends

Errichtet im
Jahre 1890


Erfunden u. modellirt v. I. Rössner.
Gegossen v. Ch. Lenz, Nürnberg / 1890.


Unveiled 17 September 1890.


Sources & Information


  • Country: Germany
  • Behaim, Martin
  • Geographer
  • Lenz (Nürnberg), Kunstgießerei
  • Rößner, Johann
  • Science (allegorical figure)
  • Statue (man)
  • Trade / Commerce (allegorical figure)
  • Locatie (N 49°27'20" - E 11°4'49") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: deby001; Photograph: 20 September 2002  / updated: 28 September 2011
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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