About about eight meters high spans the triumphal arch above the fountain in the center strip of the Laube between the new building of the municipal administration and the historic building of the Lanzenhof. For the sculptor, this fountain is a 'triumph of satire'. With the figures he makes fun especially about the car-delusion of our society.
The sculpture includes two triumphal arches, at the top connected with a third arch. Each of the four columns of the both arches stand in separate fountain basins. Arches and basins are adorned with more than 30 bizarre characters. The whole sculpture is made of artificial stone
Eastern arch
Top gable:
- Das Papamobil - The Popemobile - Relief image of the 'modern' Pope in the popemobile (counterpart of no. 11).
- Galgenvogel - Gallows Bird.
- Gasmarkierter Engel - Angel with gas mask
- Boy with horn
- Gasmarkierter Engel - Angel with gas mask
- Galgenvogel - Gallows Bird.
- Respektoser Brunnenspucker - Disrespectful fountain spitter.
- Baby driver.
- Automobiles Wohlstandskind und motorisierter Teddy-Bär - Automobile welfare child and motorized Teddy Bear
- Respektoser Brunnenspucker: Speikind - Disrespectful fountain spitter: Spitting child.
Western arch
Top gable:
- Der gestürzte Papst - The fallen pope - historically attested carriage case of Pope John XXIII, who came across the Arlberg to the Council of Constance in 1414.
- Bischof - Bishop.
- Der nackte Amor - The nude Amor.
- Der Bischof von Mitra - The Bishop of Mitra.
- Bird.
- Fahrtüchtig bis ins Greisenalter - Roadworthy up to the old age - Old driver.
- Verkehrs-Vampir im Cabrio-Look - Traffic vampire in a convertible look.
- Long nose ape holding a steering wheel above his head.
Top arch
- Falcon knight with Constantia holding a coat of arms
- Freie Fahrt für die Liebe - Free travel for love - Modern-day counterpart: a couple on the bike.
SE basin
Three bathers
- Zufriedener Rentier im nassen Element - Satisfied pensioner in the wet element.
- Kapitaler Raucher im Becken - The capital smoker in the pool.
- 1600 Kilogramm entspannte Altersbehaglichkeit - 1600 kilograms of relaxed elderly comfort - Sitting fat woman with a lying dog.
NE basin
- Narrenkappenohriger Brunnenfaun - Well faun with fool's cap ears.
SW basin
- Langnasiger Brunnenfaun - Well faun with long nose.
NW basin
- Konstanze - Constantia, the attractive beautiful lady kneeling.
- Der stoische Affe - The stoic monkey.
- Erdferkel mit bebrillten Aufblick zur drallen Konstanze - Aardvark with bespectacled upward glance to plump Constance.
- Erdferkel mit ausziehendem Blick zur anziehenden Schönen - Aardvark with an undressing glance to the attractive beauty.
- Erdferkel als der photographische Voyeur - Aardvark as the photographing Voyeur.
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- Peter Lenk (Nürnberg 1947),
German sculptor of Bodman-Ludwigshafen
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 47°39'46" - E 9°10'22") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: debw280; Photograph: 3 October 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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