
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Stadt Heidelberg


Alte Brücke (Brückentor)


Bridge Monkey

Gernot Rumpf

Heidelberg /  Brückenaffe   Heidelberg /  Brückenaffe


Bronze sculpture of a monkey holding a mirror up to those who look at it.


Was thustu
    mich hie angaffen?
Hastu nicht gesehen
    den alten affen
zu heydelberg?
    sich dich hin unnd her
Da findestu wol
    Meines gleichen mehr.

gestiftet vom verein Alt-Heidelberg


There was a bridge monkey in Heidelberg as far back as the 15th century. Old drawings of the town show it next to the tower on the north end of the Old Bridge. It disappeared during the Palatinian War of Succession (1689/93), however. The legend surrounding this curious statue tells us that it symbolizes the fact that neither the city-dwellers nor the people who lived outside the city were better than the other, and that they should look over their shoulder as they cross the bridge to remember this.

The poem of from the Itinerarium Germaniae (1632) of Martin Zeiler.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 49°24'48" - E 8°42'34") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: debw045; Photograph: 26 September 2011
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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