
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Bezirk Mitte)
Stadt Berlin

Land Berlin

Am Lustgarten 1
(Berliner Dom)

Christus und der Apostelen am Dom

Christ and the Apostles at the Cathedral

Various sculptors

Berlin /  Christus und der Apostelen am Dom   Berlin /  Christus und der Apostelen am Dom


Statue of Christ is in the center of the west facade above the entrance, the two statues of the apostles are to the left and right of Christ and four around each of the two west towers.

Berlin - Christus und der Apostelen am Dom
Christus by Fritz Schaper
Berlin - Christus und der Apostelen am Dom
Southwest tower: unknown Apostle.
Berlin - Christus und der Apostelen am Dom
Northwest tower: unknown Apostle.
Berlin - Christus und der Apostelen am Dom

The following apostles (and other biblical figures) are depicted:

Andreas by Ludwig Manzel
Bartholomäus by Alexander Calandrelli (NW tower)
Jakobus Maior by Ernst Herter
Jakobus Minor by Adolf Brütt
Johannes der Täfer by August Vogel
Moses by Gerhard Janensch
Paulus by Ernst Herter
Petrus by Ludwig Manzel
Philippus by Alexander Calandrelli (NW tower)
Simon Zelotes by Johannes Pfannschmidt (NW tower)
Thaddäus by Max Baumbach (SW tower)
Thomas by Adolf Brütt (SW Tower)

Sculptures at the Berlin Cathedral

The Berlin Cathedral has an extensive sculpture program which is shown on this website in seven different pages.

We visited the Cathedral on 31 August 2022. Because of construction works it was not possible to make photos of several of the statues.


Sources & Information


  • Apostles (Twelve)
  • Baumbach, Max
  • Brütt, Adolf
  • Calandrelli, Alexander
  • Christ
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • Herter, Ernst
  • Manzel, Ludwig
  • Pfannschmidt, Friedrich
  • Schaper, Fritz
  • Vogel, August
  • Locatie (N 52°31'8" - E 13°24'2") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: debe112; Photograph: 31 August 2022
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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