
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Sankt Gertraude

Saint Gertrude of Nivelles

Rudolf Siemering
Kunstgießerei Lauchhammer

Berlin /  Sankt Gertraude   Berlin /  Sankt Gertraude


Sculpture group of a standing Saint Gertrude with a young wandering boy with a goose, to whom she gives a jug to drink. The statue refers to a legend from the Middle Ages. The pious nun appears as a kind of bourgeois ideal figure, an antique Caritas in 'old German' garb. Goose, mice, rats and distaffs are her attributes.
The plinth is lined with rats and mice, and petting the animals is said to promise a bounty of money. How widespread this belief is is shown by the polished heads.

The sculpture was to be melted down during the Second World War, but it was hidden by the bronze caster Hans Füssel and saved from destruction.

Berlin - Sankt Gertraude Berlin - Sankt Gertraude
Berlin - Sankt Gertraude Berlin - Sankt Gertraude


hei wie das nass
durch die kehle rinnt
und der bursch mit eins
wieder muth gewinnt
nun dankt er laut
dir heilige gertraut,
The one who runs a drink
down his throat
and instantly the boy
regains courage,
now he thanks you,
holy Gertrude,


R. Siemering 1896
Lauchhammer gegossen.

Information Sign

Die Schutzpatronin der Reisenden und Pilger
- die Heilige Gertrude, von Rudolf Siemering -
wurde restauriert und wird mit Abschluss der
geplanten Brückeninstandsetzung
an ihrem früheren Standort auf der Brüstung der
Gertraudenbrücke wieder aufgestellt.
The patron saint of travelers and pilgrims
- the holy Gertrude, by Rudolf Siemering -
was restored and will be reinstalled
at its previous location on the parapet
of the Gertrude's Bridge once the planned
bridge repairs have been completed.


Sources & Information


  • Country: Germany
  • Boy (drinking)
  • Gertrude of Nivelles, St.
  • Goose
  • Lauchhammer, Kunstgießerei
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Siemering, Rudolf
  • Locatie (N 52°30'44" - E 13°24'9") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: debe082; Photograph: 30 August 2022
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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