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Hlavní mĕsto Karlova 1 (courtyard) |
Francišak Skaryna1485/90 - 1540/51one of the first publishers in Eastern Europe, laying groundwork for the development of the Belarusian language (Wikipedia) |
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1517-1519. у старым месце пражскім выдатны беларускі асветнік францішак скарына ыдаў свой беларускі пераклад бібліі.
1517-1519. na starév mĕstĕ pražském vynikajíci bĕloruský vzdĕlanec |
1517-1519 in the Old Town of Prague outstanding Belarusian scholar Francišak Skaryna printed his Belarusian translation of the Bible |
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