
Statues - Hither & Thither

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České Budějovice
Jihočeský kraj

U Černé věže

Úleva pro spořitelna

Relief for a savings bank

Břetislav Benda

České Budějovice /  Úleva pro spořitelna


Bronze relief showing a family bringing their savings to the bank.

České Budějovice - Úleva pro spořitelna

P.S. 12 September 2012 was a rainy day… The photos are therefore not as good as usual.


b. benda



Locatie (N 48°58'30" - E 14°28'31") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: czjc010; Photograph: 12 September 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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