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Zürich (Kanton)



Zwingli Door

Huldrych Zwingli
Wildhaus 1484 - Kappel am Albis 1531
Leader of the Reformation in Switzerland
Otto Münch
H. Rüetschi (Aarau)

Zürich /  Zwinglitür   Zürich /  Zwinglitür


Two bronze doors with 24 panels showing scenes from the life of Hulrych Zwingli and other images of the history of the Grossmünster.

Explanation of fields:

    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  1. Seal of the City of Zürich, with the text felix regula exu- | perantius. It shows the three patron saints Felix, Regula and Exuperantius with their heads in their hands.
  2. The 14-year-old Huldrych Zwingli making music in the Dominican Monastery in Bern.
  3. Zwingli preaches for the Swiss mercenaries at Monza before the battle of Maringnano, 1515.
  4. Seal of the deanery of Grossmünster, with the text carolus magnus | defensor et rector | ecclesiae, showing Charlemagne.

    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  5. Zwingli preaches in the Grossmünster since New Year 1519.
  6. Ittingen Monastery in Frauenfeld is stormed and set on fire in July 1524.
  7. The Bailiff of Stammheim, Hans Wirth, is beheaded in Baden on 28 September 1524 because of his Protestant faith.
  8. The Lord's Supper in Grossmünster after the abolishment of the Mass, Easter 1525.

    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  9. During the Baden disputation, 1526, Thomas Platter, disguised as chicken dealer, delivers the secret correspondence between Zwingli, who was unable to attend, and Johannes Oecolampadius, the spokesman of the Protestants at the religion meeting.
  10. Zwingli and his family, with inscription nüt ist kostlicher dann d'lieby. In the middle the reformer; left his wife Anna née Reinhart, with the second youngest child Huldrych on the arm; Right Regula and Wilhelm, then Zwingli's stepson Gerold Meyer of Knonau; in the left foreground one of the two stepdaughters, bending over Anneli Zwingli, who is lying in the cradle.
  11. Work on the translation of the Bible, with inscription lassend mir die wort still ston. From left to right: Leo Jud (pastor at St. Peter), the linguists Theodor Bibiliander and Zwingli.
  12. Ulrich von Hutten at Ufenau where he prepared a last resort for Zwingli.

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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  13. The "Mushafen", the first social welfare institution of the Reformation. The poor are served soup and bread.
  14. Zwingli riding on the side of the mayor Diethelm Röist, accompanied by 200 armed men, to the disputation in Bern.
  15. The 'Kappeler Michsuppe', June 1529.
  16. Luther and Zwingli dispute about the Lord's Supper at Marburg, October 1529. From left to right: Melanchthon, Luther, Landgrave Philip of Hesse, Zwingli, Oecolampadius.

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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  17. A follower of Zwingli, Jakob Kaiser, parish priest in Schwerzenbach is burned on May 29, 1529 at Schwyz.
  18. Fathers of the Reformed Churches of Switzerland: commander · haller · blaurer: Johannes Comander in Chur; Berchtold Haller in Bern; Ambrose Blarer in Konstanz.
  19. Fathers of the Reformed Churches of Switzerland: zwingli · vadian · oekolampad: Huldrych Zwingli in Zürich; Joachim Vadian in St. Gallen; Johannes Oecolampadius in Basel.
  20. Zwingli's death on the battlefield at Kappel, 11 October 1531.

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    Zürich - Zwinglitür
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  21. State Emblem of Zürich, inscription nobile turegum | multarum copia | rerum.
  22. Heinrich Bullinger, Zwingli's successor in office (left) and Leo Jud in front of the Zürich council, defending the continuation of the Zwinglian Reformation.
  23. Bullinger receives on 12 May 1555 the boat landing stage in Zürich the people from Locarno expelled for their Reformed faith.
  24. Seal of the Zürich Church Council, with motto der herr beschirmpt sin kilchen


o. mvnch | 1938
in bronze gegossen von | h. rüetschi a.-g. in aarau


Sources & Information


  • Comander, Johannes
  • Exuperantius, St.
  • Felix of Zürich, St.
  • Haller, Berchtold
  • Hutten, Ulrich von
  • Jud, Leo
  • Kaiser, Jakob
  • Luther, Martin
  • Melanchthon, Phillipp
  • Meyer, Gerold
  • Monarch
  • Münch, Otto
  • Oecolampadius, Johannes
  • Philip I (Landgrave of Hessen)
  • Platter, Thomas
  • Priest
  • Rüetschi (Aarau), H.
  • Regula, St.
  • Röist, Diethelm
  • Theologian
  • Vadian, Joachim
  • Wirth, Hans
  • Zwingli, Huldrych
  • Locatie (N 47°22'12" - E 8°32'37") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: chzh009; Photograph: 2 October 2014
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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