
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais

Praça Boa Viagem
(Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem)

Lavabo em Pedra-sabão (cópia)

Washbasin in Soapstone (copy)

1793 (copy 1986)

Belo Horizonte /  Lavabo em Pedra-sabão (cópia)   Belo Horizonte /  Lavabo em Pedra-sabão (cópia)


Washbasin with a relief of two intertwingled dolphins. This washbasin belonged to the sacristy of the parish church of Curral del Rey - the village on the place where Belo Horizonte was built. The basin was kept on the grounds of the new cathedral, in 1943 protected by a fence (see text on the plaque), but it was transferred to the museum in 1986 to return to the Cathedral in 1999/2000 (see here). On this original place on the ground still is this copy made in 1986.


este gradil foi construido
por ordem do exmo. sr. prefeito
juscelino kubitschek de oliveira,
em 1943, sendo governador
do estado o exmo. sr.
dr. benedito valadares ribeiro.
destina-se a proteger o precioso
lavatorio de pedra-sabão que
existiu na sacristia da extinta
matrix de n.s. da boa viagem
do curral d'el-rei, datado de 1793.
foi conservado pelo museu
historico de belo horizonte,
a quie pertence, no proprio local
em que se achava na sacristia
do templo desaparecido.

This fence was built
by order of his exc. mayor
Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira,
in 1943, being governor
of the state his exc.
Dr. Benedito Valadares Ribeiro
It is intended to protect the precious
lavatory of soap-stone that
existed in the sacristy of the extinguished
parish church of O.L. of Good Voyage
of Curral d'el-Rei, dating of 1793.
Preserved by the Historical
Museum of Belo Horizonte,
who owns it, in the proper place
where was in the sacristy
of the disappeared church.

Sources & Information


Locatie (S 19°55'41" - W 43°56'5") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: brmg043; Photograph: 9 July 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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