
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais

Avenida do Contorno / Avenida Prudente de Morais
(Praça Desembargador Ayrton Maia)

Ayrton Maia

Juiz de Fora 1926 - 2016
Brazilian judge
Bustos Art

Belo Horizonte /  Ayrton Maia   Belo Horizonte /  Ayrton Maia


Fiberglass bust on a large stone pedestal (out of proportion), on a square which was dedicated to Ayrton Maia on 17 December 2012.


ayrton maia
* 08 - 07 - 1926
† 10 - 09 - 2006

ao inesquecível juiz
dr ayrton maia, as homenagens
da cidade de tombos, sua primeira
comarca. 1957/1961

no dia 11 de julho de 2015, foram
depositadas nesta praça
as cinzas do desembargador
ayrton maia e de sua esposa,
laura aparecida guedes maia

Ayrton Maia
* 08 - 07 - 1926
† 10 - 09 - 2006

To the unforgettable judge
Dr Ayrton Maia, as homage
of the city of Tombos, his first
district 1957/1961

On 11 July 2015, were
deposited in this square
the ashes of judge
Ayrton Maia and his wife,
Laura Aparecida Guedes Maia


(onleesbaar) Fundação (?)
Biz Branco (?) 2016


Sources & Information


Locatie (S 19°56'8" - W 43°56'49") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: brmg026; Photograph: 7 July 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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