
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Jozef en Lieven Vandevelde met Sakala

Jozef and Lieven Vandevelde with Sakala

Jozef Vandevelde (1855 - 1882)
Lieven Vandevelde (1850 - 1888)
Congo explorers
Louis Mast

Gent /  Jozef en Lieven Vandevelde met Sakala   Gent /  Jozef en Lieven Vandevelde met Sakala


Sculpture of an African boy sitting on a boulder with the relief portrait of the Vandevelde's.


jos – liev
ganguila | leopoldville / 1888


on the portrait medaillon: L. Mast
On the book in the boy's hand: gieterij / herste... / ferruy


The Gent explorers Joseph and Lieven Vandevelde made in the 1880s an expedition through the Congo. Jozef died there, but his brother Lieven brought in 1884 Sakala to Gent as living proof of the successful expedition. Sakala went in Ghent to school and was for some time very popular in Gent. But he was forgotten. When Lieven Vandevelde in 1887 returned to the Congo he took Sakala back. Lieven died a year later. Sakala was left to his fate, in Gent he was no longer welcome. Shortly afterwards he died. 'Il finite tristement,' the newspapers wrote about his life


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°2'21" - E 3°43'23") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: beov019; Photograph: 30 May 2008
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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