
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Liège (province)

Rue de la Sauvenière

La Cascade monumentale

The Monumental Cascade

Jacques Jaquet & Thomas Vinçotte
J.G. Buckens

Spa /  La Cascade monumentale   Spa /  La Cascade monumentale


Large fountain with in the centre a white marble plaque with a portrait of Marie Henriette of Austria, Queen of Belgium (Budapest 1836 - Spa 1902), spouse of king Leopold II, and the royal coats or arms. The portrait is sculpted by Vinçotte.

Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Putto with trident on dolphin
Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Two putti, one with a cup of water
Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Putto blowing on a shell on dolphin
Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Coat of arms of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Marie Henriette of Austria, Queen of Belgium
Spa - La Cascade monumentale
Coat of arms of Belgium


(relief): vincotte
(putti on top) 1862 jacques jaquet bruxelles sculp.
j.c. buckens fudit leodii (putti on the sides) Jacques Jaquet


Four stone slabs on both sides of the fountain are engraved with the names of 170 or more or less known foreigners who came to "take the waters" at Spa with the date of their visit. Among the first names of these "Bobelins" of the sixteenth century are Montaigne and Guicciardini; the last names are those of Leopold III and Queen Astrid and that of Poincaré.

Spa / La Cascade monumentale


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 50°29'29" - E 5°52'3") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: belg012; Photograph: 21 April 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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