
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Hoher Markt (1.)

Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen

Wedding or Joseph's Fountain

Antonio Corradini

Wien /  Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen   Wien /  Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen


Statue group depicting Mary and Joseph for the high priest, standing under a baldachin on four Corinthian columns. On the top of the baldachin the Holy Ghost. In front of the base of the columns are four statues of angels.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen

The base of the founted is surrounded on three sides with reliefs:

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen
Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen
Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen
Wien - Vermählungsbrunnen oder Josefsbrunnen
  1. Adoration of the Shepherds,
  2. Adoration of the Magi
  3. Presentation in the Temple.
On the fourth face there is the inscription.


divo josepho e davidica stirpe
deiparae virginis viro
christi servatoris nutritio
praesentissimo austriae patrono
nuncupatum leopoldo & josepho augg.
carolus vi. rom. imp. et hispan rex
a patre ac fratre adumbratum opus
aere ac marmore de integro extruens
Cura suprem aedif. caes. praef. Gundac. com. ab Althann Ano 1732
This to St. Joseph from David's line,
the husband of the god-like Virgin,
the breadwinner of Christ the Redeemer,
the ubiquitous patron of Austria,
by the emperors Leopold and Joseph monument promised
has Charles VI, Roman Emperor and King of Spain,
overshadowed by his father and brother,
executed by establishing it in solid brass and marble.
Under the supervision of the supreme imperial
architect Gundaker Graf von Althann in 1732.

Information Sign

(auch josefsbrunnen)
errichtet 1729-1732

restauriert in auftrag der
und gefördert durch den
wiener altstadterhaltungsfonds
in den jahren 2006-2008


The monument was consecrated 14 April 1732.


Sources & Information


  • Angel
  • Corradini, Antonio
  • Fountain
  • Joseph, St.
  • Mary with Child
  • Mary, St.
  • Nativity
  • Priest
  • Locatie (N 48°12'39" - E 16°22'22") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: atwi053; Photograph: 9 September 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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