Equestrian statue showing emperor Joseph II in the costume of a military leader from antiquity and the plinth is decorated on the front and back with dedicatory inscriptions, while the sides are embellished with reliefs showing Joseph as patron of trade and agriculture.
The statue was modelled after the equestian statue of Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD). Originally it stood in the park at Laxenburg.
A. Front left (East) pillar
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
- Left: Motto
virtvte et exemplo (By virtue and example).
The eye of God, and a crossed sword and rudder with a globe in the clouds in the background.
After a medal ('Gnadenmedaille') by Anton Franz Widemann (45 mm, 1765).
- Front: Birth 1741
natvs / mdccxli / die xiii martii (Born 13 March 1741).
Hercules in a cradle with the two serpents sent by Hera.
- Right: Wedding 1760
felix connvbivm [!] / celebrat. vindob. / vi. oct. mdcclx (Happy marriage, celebrated in Wien, 6 October 1760).
Hymen, the Greek god of marriage, lights his torch at an altar.
After a medal by Anton Franz Widemann (39 mm, 1760).
- Back: Coronation 1764
gloria novi secvli / el. et cor. francof. / mdcclxiv (Glory of the new century, elected and crowned in Frankfurt 1764).
Fortuna with a mural crown, sitting on a throne with in her hands a rudder and a cornucopia, above her an eagle with a sceptre.
After a medal by Johann Martin Krafft.
B. Front left (East) pillar
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
- Front: Foundation of the Institute for the Deaf and Mute 1779
svrdi mvtiqve sollicitvdine mvnificentia principis / societati sibiqve vtiles redditi
(The deaf and the mute, by the care and generosity of the ruler, become useful for themselves and the community
A teacher takes from two deaf-mutes the bindings of their ear and mouth.
- Right: Edict of Toleration (Toleranzpatent) 1782
concordia religionvm
(Unity of religions)
Two hands interlocked.
- Back: Founding Josephinum 1785
cvrandis militvm morbis et vvlneribvs / academia medico chirvrgica institvta vienae [!] / mdcclxxxv
(To cure the diseases and wounds of the soldiers, the medical and surgical academy, established in Vienna 1785)
The Josephinum in Währingerstraße.
After a medal by Johann Nepomuk Wurth (60 mm, 1785).
- Left: Founding Academy of Art 1786
ingenio et indvstria / academia vien. Novis / institvtis avcta / mdcclxxxvi
(With talent and hard work the Academy in Vienna was increased with new institutions, 1786)
A genius introduces three putti representing painting, sculpture and architecture, in the temple of Minerva.
After a medal by Ignaz Donner.
C. Back right (West) pillar
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
- Front: Transylvania 1773
felicitas daciae / profectio avg. / mdcclxxiii
(The happiness of Dacia; departure of the Emperor)
The Emperor on horseback, with at his feet Dacia, represented by a woman with mural crown and the coat of arms of Dacia, left background, the female figure of generosity with a cornucopia.
After a medal by Johann Nepomuk Wurth.
- Left: Founding of a Almshouse 1784
dilige devm svper omn. Prox. Vt te ipsvm / pavpervm institvto / vindob. Mdcclxxxiv
(Love God above all, your neighbor as yourself with the establishment of the Almshouse in Vienna 1784)
The Tablets of Law with the 10 Commandments - Roman numerals I-X - floating in the clouds.
After a medal by Johann Nepomuk Wurth.
- Back: University of L'viv Established 1784
optimar. Art. lvdis in galicia constitvt. / academia leopol. / mdcclxxxiiii
(For training in the fine arts in Galicia ; established the Academy of L'viv 1784)
Altar with lyre and owl (Minerva) and the coat of arms of Galicia?.
After a medal by Johann Nepomuk Wurth.
- Right: Founding parliament of Galicia and Lodomeria 1782
conventv ordin. Perpetvo in galicia et lod. Constitvto mdcclxxxii
(With the establishment of a permanent regional parliament in Galicia and Lodomeria, 1782)
Bearded man shakes hands with a woman with the coat of arms of Galicia and Lodomeria.
D. Front right (North) pillar
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
- Front: Journey to Rome 1769
roma exvltans / ob fratrvm avgg. / adventvm / mdcclxix
(Rome rejoicing; because of the arrival of the imperial brothers [Joseph II and Leopold II] 1769)
A woman representing the city of Rome and a lying Tiber.
After a medal by Anton Franz Widemann (49 mm).
- Right: Journey to Italy 1769
italia a caesare perlvstrata / mdcclxix
(Italy traveled by the emperor 1768)
The emperor on horseback leas by Pallas Athene.
After a medal by Johann Martin Krafft.
- Back: Journey to Transylvania 1773
s.p.q.d. / optim. Princ. / adventus avg. / mdcclxxiii
(The senate and the people of Dacia to the best prince; the Emperor's arrival in 1773)
Emperor Joseph on horseback riding to a city gate with the arms of Transylvania (Dacia). The emperor is accompanied by a woman with a cornucopia (generosity).
After a medal by Johann Martin Krafft.
- Left: Bravery
der / tapferkeit
Laurel wreath with text.