
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Am Eisernen Tor

Marien- oder Türkensäule

St Mary's column or Turks Column

The mother of Jesus Christ


Graz /  Marien- <i>oder</i> Türkensäule   Graz /  Marien- <i>oder</i> Türkensäule


Gilded statue of St. Mary, with a crown and standing on a crescent moon, on a column


Voti, De Immacvlata
Conceptione Editi
2. feb

Qvod Ivrasti Grata
Si Vis Servari

Ponte Ad Ossecvm
Svccenso Tardantvr
Tvrcæ Nec Deinde
Proximi, Nocent

Victoria Svper
Rabam, Imminens
Avertit Excidivm
Seqvitvr Alma Pax

gelobt in drohender türkennot
zv lichtmess 1664.
nach ihrer abwehr dvrch den
sieg bei mogersdorf a/d raab
am 1. avgvst 1664
errichtet avf dem
in den jahren

diese sävle wvrde im jahre 1796
avf eigene kosten des
andreas edlen von jakomini
avf den jakominiplatz übertragen
im jahre 1928 wvrde sie
avf kosten der stadtgemeinde
hier avfgerichtet.
1851. 1876. 1883.
1900. 1922. 1928.
1951. 1983. 1989

promised in imminent Turkish threat
at Candlemass 1664.
After their defeat at the
victory at Szentgotthárd
on 1 August 1664
built on the
Carmelite Square
in the years

This column is in the year 1796
on his own expense by
Andreas Edler von Jakomini
transferred to the Jakomini Square.
In the year 1928 it is
on the town's expense
here erected.
1851. 1876. 1883.
1900. 1922. 1928.
1951. 1983. 1989

Graz - Marien- <i>oder</i> Türkensäule

Marian, Holy Trinity and Plague Columns (Mariensäule, Dreifaltigkeitssäule, Pestsäule)

Marian and Holy Trinity columns are religious monuments with a statue of Saint Mary or a depiction of the Holy Trinity on top of a column. Around the base of the column are usually various saints. Marian columns were built to thank the Virgin Mary for intervention to quell the pestilence and other scourges. The first of those was erecrted in Vienna in 1667 (Mariensäule) and the second in 1679 also in Vienna at the Graben, the Pestsäule.
The purpose of the Holy Trinity columns was usually simply to celebrate the church and the faith, although the plague motif could play a role.
Erecting religious monuments in the form of a column surmounted by a figure or a Christian symbol was a gesture of public faith that flourished in the Catholic countries of Europe especially in the 17th and 18th centuries (Wikipedia)

Sources & Information


Locatie (N 47°4'5" - E 15°26'30") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: atst010; Photograph: 5 September 2016
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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