
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Sankt Pölten

(Dom- und Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt)

Jubiläumstor 2000

Jubilee Gate 2000

Jakob Kopp

Sankt Pölten /  Jubiläumstor 2000   Sankt Pölten /  Jubiläumstor 2000


Bronze doors, inaugurated 8 December 1999, showing various reliefs, in the top section three scenes , and on each of the doors three scenes of the lives of saints in relation to St. Pölten.

Top section


Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
St. Peter
(possibly died AD 67), apostle, first pope; patron saint of locksmiths and confessors. Usually holding the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven in his hand (Wikipedia)
Below the coats of arms of St. Pölten and that of bishop Kurt Krenn.

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
Annunciation of St. Mary

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
Pope John Paul II
Below the coats of arms of Pope John Paul II and that of Niederösterreich.

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
(1073 - 1136), Margrave of Austria, 1095-1136. Patron saint of Austria (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000

St. Hippolytus
(170 - 235 AD)
the most important 3rd-century theologian in the Christian Church in Rome (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
(Ireland 6-- - Würzburg c. 689), companion of Kilian and Totnan, missionaries to Franconia, Germany (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
(c. 1015 - 8 August 1091), often called Saint or Blessed Altmann, was a founder of monasteries and Bishop of Passau (1065-1091). He is venerated as a saint, but not officially canonised (Wikipedia).

In the background a pieta

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
(d. c. 304), commander of the imperial army in the Roman province of Noricum, responsible for organizing firefighting brigades. Martyred because is did not want to sacrifice to Roman gods. He is usually depicted as a Roman officer pouring water from a pitcher over a fire (Wikipedia).

In the background the new parliament building of Niederösterreich in Sankt Pölten

Sankt Pölten - Jubiläumstor 2000
(ca. 410-482), known as the "Apostle to Noricum". It has been speculated that he was born in either Southern Italy or in the Roman province of Africa, after the death of Attila in 453. Severinus himself refused to discuss his personal history before his appearance along the Danube in Noricum. Founder of the Batavis/Boitrum convent in Passau. Patron saint of Bavaria (Wikipedia).


ad perpetua rei memoriam

anno sancto bismillesimo
iubilaeo ineunte
ioanne paulo ii summo ecclesiae pontifice
erwino proell hanc provinciam austriae inferioris procurante
gulielmo gruber huius municipii curam gerente
haec porta aenea
huius templi beatae mariae virgini dedicati
per artificem iacobum kopp caelata
ab episcopo conrado krenn
huius dioeceseos s hippolyti antistite
et consecrata et aperta est

(follows a list of sponsors)


Sources & Information


  • Annunciation
  • Bronze door
  • Coat of arms
  • Colman, St.
  • Florian, St.
  • Hippolytus, St.
  • John Paul II, Pope
  • Kopp, Jakob
  • Leopold, St.
  • Peter, St.
  • Pieta
  • Severinus of Noricum, St.
  • Locatie (N 48°12'18" - E 15°37'36") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: atno033; Photograph: 18 September 2016
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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