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Sankt Pölten



Trinity Column

Andreas Gruber

Sankt Pölten /  Dreifaltigkeitssäule


Baroque Trinity Column, erected 1767-1782 to fulfill an old vow after surving the plague, fire, earthquakes and wars.
The monument consists of a column in the form of a pyramid of clouds, surmounted by a sculpture of the Trinity, on a square pedestal with fountain basins
The monument can be devided in various elements:

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
A. The Triumphant Trinity
Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
B. The Pyramid of Clouds

A. The Triumphant Trinity

Stone culpture group, depicting the Father and the Son sitting on a cloud surrounded by cherubs and angels: God the father as an elderly man, making a blessing gesture with his right hand and holding in his left hand a sceptre; the Son with the cross and above them the Holy Ghost as a dove in a radiating sun.

B. The Pyramid of Clouds

Steep pyramid, almost an obelisk with a cloud spiraling around it, with angels and cherubs.

C. Pedestal

The square base includes statues, reliefs and inscriptions. On the four corners are statues of saints:

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
St. Hippolytus
(170 - 235 AD)
the most important 3rd-century theologian in the Christian Church in Rome (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
St. Florian
(d. c. 304), commander of the imperial army in the Roman province of Noricum, responsible for organizing firefighting brigades. Martyred because is did not want to sacrifice to Roman gods. He is usually depicted as a Roman officer pouring water from a pitcher over a fire (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
St. Sebastian
(died c. 288), martyr, killed during the Roman emperor Diocletian's persecution of Christians (Wikipedia).

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
St. Leopold
(1073 - 1136), Margrave of Austria, 1095-1136. Patron saint of Austria (Wikipedia).

On the four faces of the pedestal are reliefs (south and north sides), surmounted by angels, and inscriptions with in front of them fountain basins (east and west sides).

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
The Annunciation of St. Mary. On the front of the desk is a stone with inscription on the renovation of 1850

collabescentem hanc columnam
deo triuno dicatam
splendida munificentio P.O.
antonii puchmayer
episcopi sanhippolytani
et civitatis hujusee sodalium
pietas donis sponte oblatis

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
The sleeping St. Joseph.

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
Two angels holding a cloth with inscription referring to the laying of the first stone in 1767.

hocce posuit Monumentum
Senatus Populusque Yppolitensis
quod anno reparatae Salutis M.D.C.C.L.XVII.
VI. Calendas Novembris
a positione Fundamentalis Lapidis
Joannis Wilhelmi de Trautson.
S.C.R.A.M. Consiliarij Intimi et
Archiducatus Austriae inira Onasum
Praefecti Supremi
per Deputationem facta.

Sankt Pölten - Dreifaltigkeitssäule
Two angels holding a cloth with inscription referring to the completion of the column in 1782.

Benefactorum et aerarii civici impensis
Navem Petri gubernaute
S.R.J. Sceptrum tenente
Diocesis Passaviensis
Ordinario E.S.R.E. Cardinale
et S.R.J. Principe
Comitibus et Dominis ab et in Firmian
Reverendissimo Domino
Jldephonse Schmidbauer
celeberrimae Canoniae Y. Praesute
A.R.D. Eusebio Uhlich
civitatis Parocho Decano
Urbis Judicem agente Domino
Carolo Werner
Ex senatu cooperantibus D.Dms
F. Baldauf J. Neuhauser I. Loth
feliciter erectum

Marian, Holy Trinity and Plague Columns (Mariensäule, Dreifaltigkeitssäule, Pestsäule)

Marian and Holy Trinity columns are religious monuments with a statue of Saint Mary or a depiction of the Holy Trinity on top of a column. Around the base of the column are usually various saints. Marian columns were built to thank the Virgin Mary for intervention to quell the pestilence and other scourges. The first of those was erecrted in Vienna in 1667 (Mariensäule) and the second in 1679 also in Vienna at the Graben, the Pestsäule.
The purpose of the Holy Trinity columns was usually simply to celebrate the church and the faith, although the plague motif could play a role.
Erecting religious monuments in the form of a column surmounted by a figure or a Christian symbol was a gesture of public faith that flourished in the Catholic countries of Europe especially in the 17th and 18th centuries (Wikipedia)


Sources & Information


  • Florian, St.
  • Fountain
  • Gruber, Andreas
  • Hippolytus, St.
  • Joseph, St.
  • Leopold, St.
  • Mary, St.
  • Sebastian, St.
  • Trinity Column
  • Trinity
  • Locatie (N 48°12'18" - E 15°37'22") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: atno016; Photograph: 18 September 2016
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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