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St. Florian Monument

Saint Florian von Lorch (d. c. 304)
Roman officer in the province of Noricum (at present the region of Bavaria), responsible for organizing firefighting brigades. He is usually depicted pouring water from a pitcher over a fire
18th century sculptor

Klagenfurt /  Floriani-Denkmal   Klagenfurt /  Floriani-Denkmal


Large monument with at the top a statue of St. Florian, pouring water over a burning house, and with on his left side a putto holding his sword and shield.

Klagenfurt - Floriani-Denkmal Klagenfurt - Floriani-Denkmal

Following another serious fire in Klagenfurt in 1777 people decided to dedicate a monument to St. Florian. Fires had destroyed the settlement six times before, and the local population was terrified at the prospect of another blast. Fortunately, the fire of 1777 destroyed only a part of town. The monument dates from 1781, however, it is not clear whether it was made by Johann Baptist and Johann Georg Hagenauer or by the sculptor Josef Mayer.

Except for the statue of St. Florian, there are at the lower part of the monument statues of St. Giles and St. Sebastian.

Klagenfurt - Floriani-Denkmal Klagenfurt - Floriani-Denkmal

St. Egyd / St. Giles (c. 650 - c. 710)
also known as Giles the Hermit, was a Greek Christian hermit saint from Athens

St. Sebastian
(died c. 288), martyr, killed during the Roman emperor Diocletian's persecution of Christians (Wikipedia)..

Klagenfurt - Floriani-Denkmal


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 46°37'36" - E 14°18'29") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: atka003; Photograph: 12 September 2016
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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