Statues - Hither & Thither |
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Genève (Canton) Parc des Bastions |
Monument international de la RéformationInternational Monument to the Reformationcommonly known as: Mur des Reformateurs - Reformatiion Wall |
Paul Landowski & Henri Bouchard
1909 |
At the centre of the monument, four 5 m-tall statues of Calvinism's main proponents are depicted. To the left and right of these central statues are six 3 m-tall statues alternated with eight important texts and reliefs in relation the the depicted person. Along the wall, to either side of the central statues, is engraved the motto of both the Reformation and Geneva: Post Tenebras Lux (After darkness, light). On the central statues' pedestal is engraved a Christogram: ΙΗΣ.
1536 ΙΗΣ
le 21 mai 1536
assemblé en conseil général |
1602 ΙΗΣ
le 12 décembre 1602
a repovsse l'escalade tentée |
Guillaume Farel (Gap, France 1489 - Canton Neuchâtel 1565) French evangelist, and a founder of the Reformed Church in the cantons of Neuchâtel, Berne, Geneva, and Vaud in Switzerland (Wikipedia). |
Jean Calvin (Noyon 1509 - Genève 1564) French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation (Wikipedia). |
Théodore de Bèze (Theodorus Beza) (Vezelay, France 1519 - Genève 1605) French Protestant Christian theologian and scholar who played an important role in the Reformation (Wikipedia). |
John Knox (in or near Haddington, East Lothian, c. 1514 - Edinburgh 1572) Scottish clergyman and a leader of the Protestant Reformation who is considered the founder of the Presbyterian denomination in Scotland (Wikipedia). |
Institutio Religionis Christianae |
revnion dv synode |
signatvre dv |
Academia Genevensis |
#2 | #3 | |||
Wir Friedrich Wilhelm… thvn kvnd nachdem die harten Verfolgvngen womit man eine zeithero in dem Koenigreich Frankreich wider vnsere der evangelisch reformierten Religion zvgethane Glavbens-genossen verfah- ren. viel Familien veranlasset avs selbigen Koenigreiche hinweg in andere Lande sich zv begeben, dass Wir dannenher avs gerechtem Mitleiden bewogen werden denenselben eine sichere vnd freye Retraitte in alle vnser Lande vnd Provincien in Gnaden zy offeriren - Potsdam Edikt 1685 -
accveillé dans ses états les réfvgiés francais victimes de la revocation de l'édit de nantes |
Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg (Cölln an der Spree 1620 - Potsdam 1688) Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia - and thus ruler of Brandenburg-Prussia - from 1640 until his death (Wikipedia). The text is a part of the Edict of Potsdam, 29 October 1685 (Full text, PDF). |
#4 | #5 | |||
d'ondersaten en zyn niet van godt ghe schapen tot behoef van den Prince om hem in alles wat hy beveelt weder het goddelick oft ongoddelick recht oft onrecht is onderdanigh te wesen ende als slaven te dienen. maere den Prince om d'ondersaten wille sonder dewelcke hy egeen Prince en is om deselve met recht ende redene te regeeren la déclaration d'indenpendance des provinces vnies |
Willem I van Oranje-Nassau William the Silent (Dillenburg 1533 - Delft 1584) main leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish (Wikipedia). The text is a part of the 'Plakkaat van Verlatinghe', the declaration of independance of the Netherlands from 26 July 1581 (Full text). |
#6 | #7 | |||
Maintenant qv'il plait a diev commencer à novs faire jovir de qvelqve meillevr repos, Novs avons estimé ne le povvoir mievx employer qv'à vacqver à ce qvi pevt concerner la gloire de son sainct nom et service et à povrvoir qv'il pvisse etre adoré et prié par tovs noz svbjects. Et s'il ne luy a plv permettre qve ce soit povr encore en vne meme forme et religion, qve ce soit av moins d'vne meme intention signe l'edit de nantes le 13 avril 1598 |
Gaspard de Coligny Seigneur (Lord) de Châtillon (Châtillon-sur-Loing 1519 - Paris 1572) French nobleman and admiral, disciplined Huguenot leader in the French Wars of Religion (Wikipedia). The text is a quotation from the Edict of Nantes (Full text). |
#8 | #9 | |||
Nostre Pere qvi es es cievlx. sanctifie soit ton nom. ton Royavlme adviengne. Ta vovlente soit faicte en la terre comme av ciel. Donne nous av jovrdhvy nostre pain cottidien et nous pardonne nos offenses, ainsi qve novs pardonnons a cevlx qvi novs offensent et ne novs indvitz point en tentation mais novs delivre dv mal. Amen. Amen. en présence des envoyés de berne |
Guillaume Farel one of the central four statues |
The text is the Lord's Prayer in French. |
#9 | #10 | |||
John Knox one of the central four statues |
ovr Father which art in heaven halowed be Thy name. Thy kingdome come, Let thy wil be done even in earth as it is in heaven. Ovr daily bread give vs for the day, And forgive vs ovr sinne for even we forgive everie man that is indetted to vs. And lead vs not into temptation, bvt deliver vs from evil. Amen…
d'édimbovrg devant la covr de marie stvart |
The text is the Lord's Prayer. | ||||
#11 | #12 | |||
In the name of God amen. we… doe by these presents solemnly and mvtvally in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ovrselves togeather into a civil body politick… and by vertve hearof to enacte constitvte, and frame svch jvst and eqvall lawes… as shall be thovght most meete and convenient for the generall good of the colonie. Anno Domini 1620 - the Mayflower Compact- de la novvelle-angleterre |
Roger Williams (c. 1603 - 1683) English Protestant theologian who was an early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. In 1636, he began the colony of Providence Plantation, which provided a refuge for religious minorities. (Wikipedia). The quotation is from the Mayflower Compact, 11 November 1620 (Full text). |
#13 | #14 | |||
the Lords Spiritvall and Temporall and commons being now assembled in a fvll and free representative of this Nation doe for the vindication and asserting their ancient Rights and Liberties declare: That the pretended power of svspending of laws by Regall avthority withovt consent of Parlyament is illegall… That levying money withovt grant of Parlyament is illegall… That election of members of Parlyament ovght to be free -the Bill of Rights. et a marie la déclaration des droits des anglais |
Oliver Cromwell (Huntingdon 1599 - Westminster 1658) English military and political leader and later Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. (Wikipedia). The quotation is from the Bill of Rights, 13 February 1689 (Full text). |
#15 | #16 | |||
Sacra Caesarea Regiaqve Maiestas omnes et singulos statvs et ordines regni in sva religione et confessione nvsqvam et neqvaqvam tvrbabit nec per alios tvrbari et impediri sinet. Vervm omnibvs praedictis statibvs et ordinibvs liber religionis ipsorvm vsvs et exercitivm permittetvr… Hvngariam per Hvngaros nativos possedebit. Officia regni Hvngaris et nationibvs ei annexis idoneis nvllo interposito religionis discrimine conferet Ex articvlis pacificationis Viennensis.
a la diète hongroise, le 13 décembre 1606, la paix de vienne garantie fondamentale de la liberté religievse dans le royaume |
Stephen Bocskay (Hungarian: Bocskai István) (Kolozsvár / Cluj 1557 - Kassa / Košice 1606) Hungarian Calvinist nobleman, and Prince of Transylvania (1605-06), leader of a revolt against the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor's effort to impose Roman Catholicism on the Kingdom of Hungary (Wikipedia). The quotation is from the Pacification of Vienna, 1606. |
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