Statues - Hither & Thither

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Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts. If you want to use the photos contact us by using the messagebox below. Please indicate what you want to do with the photos.  

Please read this first:
You are writing a message to the photographers and compilers of the website Statues Hither & Thither. All information we know of a certain statue or sculpture is on the webpage of that object, in many cases links for more information are provided on the same page.
If you want to write to the sculptor, go to his or her website and find contact information there.
If you want to know if there are replica's for sale, try the sculptor or the local authorities in the town in question.  

If you have more information about a sculpture, or want to use a photo for a publication or else, you may send us through the message below (please mention the item code)  

N.B. We only include photos made by ourselves.  

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Send me a copy of the message

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Message: (in Dutch, English or German)

For spam protection a link to a webpage in the message is not accepted.

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