Statues - Hither & Thither

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Vivien Mallock

Vivien Mallock, British sculptor (Website).


Photo Year Name Address Place
Bernard Montgomery 1996 Bernard Montgomery Rue de la Mer / Rue de Riva-Bella
Colleville-Montgomery (France)
Bernard Montgomery 1997 Bernard Montgomery Clarence Esplanade / Avenue de Caen
Portsmouth (Great Britain)
Young Soldier of WWII 1997 Young Soldier of WWII Clarence Esplanade
Portsmouth (Great Britain)
Jubilee Sculpture 2002 2002 Jubilee Sculpture 2002 Gunwharf Quays Shopping Centre
Portsmouth (Great Britain)
Brigadier James Hill 2004 Brigadier James Hill Avenue du Major Howard
Ranville (France)
2006 Generaal-majoor Sosabowski Polenplein
Driel (The Netherlands)
Brian Clough 2007 Brian Clough Albert Park
Middlesbrough (Great Britain)
Merchant Navy War Memorial 2008 Merchant Navy War Memorial Marine Parade
Dover (Great Britain)
Major John Howard date? Major John Howard Pegasus Bridge (D514)
Bénouville (France)

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