Statues - Hither & Thither

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Photo Year Name Address Place
Rilievi alla Duomo di Modena c. 1110 Rilievi alla Duomo di Modena
(Reliefs at the Cathedral of Modena)
Corso Duomo - Piazza Grande
Modena (Italy)
Statues at the West Portal of Rochester Cathedral 1115-24 Statues at the West Portal of Rochester Cathedral Boley Hill
Rochester (Great Britain)
Braunschweiger Löwe 1164-76 (replica) Braunschweiger Löwe
(Brunscwick Lion)
Braunschweig (Germany)
San Martino 1200-20 (copy) San Martino
(Saint Martin)
Piazza San Martino
Lucca (Italy)
Rilievi alla Cattedrale di San Martino 1233-60 Rilievi alla Cattedrale di San Martino
(Reliefs at St. Martin's Cathedral)
Piazza San Martino
Lucca (Italy)
Heiligenstatuen und Tympanum an der Dom c. 1270 and c. 1440 Heiligenstatuen und Tympanum an der Dom
(Statues of Saints and Tympanum at the Cathedral)
Halberstadt (Germany)
Norman Frieze with Bible Scenes 12th century Norman Frieze with Bible Scenes Minster Yard
Lincoln (Great Britain)
Tympanon mit Christus, Maria und St. Dionysius 12th century Tympanon mit Christus, Maria und St. Dionysius
(Tympanum with Christ, Mary and St. Dionysius)
Enger (Germany)
Tympan - Christ en gloire 12th century Tympan - Christ en gloire
(Tympan - Christ in Majesty)
Place Monseigneur Ginisty
Verdun (France)
Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika 12th century and 1925 Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika
(Sculptures at the Saint Wendelin Basilica)
Balduinstraße - Fruchtmarkt
St. Wendel (Germany)
Sankt Severus von Ravenna c. 1375 Sankt Severus von Ravenna
(Saint Severin of Ravenna)
Erfurt (Germany)
Statues at the Stone Bow 13th century Statues at the Stone Bow Saltergate / High Street
Lincoln (Great Britain)
Kaiser Otto I. und Kreuzigungsgruppe 13th century Kaiser Otto I. und Kreuzigungsgruppe
(Emperor Otto I and Calvary)
An der Liebfrauenkirche
Arnstadt (Germany)
La Vierge à l'enfant, La résurrection des morts & la Vie de la Vierge 13th century and 1855 La Vierge à l'enfant, La résurrection des morts & la Vie de la Vierge
(Saint Mary, The Resurrection of the dead & The Life of St. Mary)
Place de l'Abbaye
Ambronay (France)
Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen 1408 (replica) Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
(Old Town Market of St. Mary's Fountain)
Braunschweig (Germany)
Das Schauteufelskreuz 1428 (replica 1999) Das Schauteufelskreuz
(The Show Devil Cross)
Alter Markt
Hildesheim (Germany)
Roland 1433 Roland Holzmarkt
Halberstadt (Germany)
Der Liebe Augustin c. 1440 Der Liebe Augustin
(The Nice Augustin)
Hauptmarkt 3
Gotha (Germany)
Roland 1474 Roland Altstädtischer Markt 11
Brandenburg an der Havel (Germany)
Der Roland von Brandenburg 1474 (kopie 1905) Der Roland von Brandenburg
(Roland from Brandenburg)
Am Köllnischen Park 5
Berlin (Germany)
Reliefstein mit einen Schutzmantelmadonna 1497 Reliefstein mit einen Schutzmantelmadonna
(Relief stone with a Virgin of Mercy)
Brühl 20
Hildesheim (Germany)
San Giovanni Battista che battezza Gesù 1497-98 San Giovanni Battista che battezza Gesù
(St. John the Baptist baptizes Jesus)
Piazza Camillo Prampolini
Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy)
Statues of Kings and Bishops at Lincoln Cathedral 14th century Statues of Kings and Bishops at Lincoln Cathedral Minster Yard
Lincoln (Great Britain)
Heiligenstatuen an der Martinikirche 14th century Heiligenstatuen an der Martinikirche
(Saint Statues at the Martini Church)
An der Martinikirche
Braunschweig (Germany)
Heiligenstatuen an der Divi Blasii Kirche 14th century? Heiligenstatuen an der Divi Blasii Kirche
(Saints Statues at the St. Blasius Church)
Mühlhausen (Germany)

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