
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Fr. da Misericórdia)
Lisboa (distrito)

Lisboa (região)

Praça Luís de Camões

Luís de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões
c. 1524-25 - Lisboa 1580
Portugal's and the Portuguese language's greatest poet
Victor Bastos

Lisboa /  Luís de Camões   Lisboa /  Luís de Camões


Bronze statue of Luís de Camões, with a crown of laurels on his head, wielding a sword and having at his feet a breastplate and some books. It is 6 m high and stands on a stone pedestal of 7.5 m, around which are sculptures of eight figures of letters and sciences of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.
The monument was executed between 1860 and 1867, the year in which the monument was inaugurated by King D. Luis, on October 9.

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

jeronymo corte real
Jerónimo Corte-Real
(Açores 1533 - Évora 1588)
Portuguese epic poet (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

pedro nunes
Pedro Nunes
(Alcácer do Sal 1502 - Coimbra 1578)
Portuguese mathematician and cosmographer (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

fernão lopes de castanheda
Fernão Lopes de Castanheda
(Santarém, c. 1500 - Coimbra 1559)
Portuguese historian (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

francisco sá de menezes
Francisco de Sá de Menezes
(Porto c. 1600 - Lisboa 1664)
Portuguese poet (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

gomes eanes de azurara
Gomes Eanes de Azurara
(c. 1410 - Lisboa 1474)
Portuguese chronicler of the Age of Discovery (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

vasco mousinho de quevedo
Vasco Mouzinho de Quebedo e Castelbranco
(Sétubal c. 1570-c. 1619)
Portuguese poet (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

joão de barros
João de Barros
(Viseu c. 1496 - Pombal 1570)
one of the first great Portuguese historians (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Luís de Camões

fernão lopes
Fernão Lopes
(c. 1385 - after 1459)
Portuguese chronicler (Wikipedia).



por subscripção,
auxiliada pelos poderes publicos.
inaugurado em 9 de outubro


Sources & Information


  • Bastos, Victor
  • Camões, Luís Vaz de
  • Chronicler
  • Corte-Real, Jerónimo
  • Cosmographer
  • Eanes de Zurara, Gomes
  • Historian
  • Lopes de Castanheda, Fernão
  • Lopes, Fernão
  • Mathematician
  • Nunes, Pedro
  • Quebedo e Castelbranco, Vasco Mouzinho de
  • Sá de Menezes, Francisco de
  • Statue (man)
  • Writer / poet
  • Locatie (N 38°42'38" - W 9°8'36") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ptli021; Photograph: 28 August 2017
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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